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  • CHARDONNAY is Tom's favorite white Vinifera. This wine is rich, yet delicate, complex and clean. It produces an exquisite wine. Generally finished dry, it can be made with or without oak. Many of our winemakers

  • CHECK VALVES ON THE BUON VINO SUPER JET FILTER: IMAGE I do not have a map of numbered parts, but it has helped us to have this image. It is huge, so scroll to see

  • FILTERS: IMAGE of the check valve (#13) CHECK VALVES ON THE BUON VINO SUPER JETOn several occasions, Tom has taken the pump apart and found a seed or some debris on the check valve. He

  • CHECK VALVES (#13) ON THE BUON VINO SUPER JET On several occasions, Tom has taken the pump apart and found a seed or some debris on the check valve. He cleans it up and puts

  • Chelois, Seibel 10878 Wine quality as a varietal is good. It has moderate color, medium body and a soft mouth feel. It improves especially when it's blended with Baco Noir, Marechal Foch, Chambourcin or Chancellor.

  • Directions for TA test involve calculations that are based on the strength of the chemicals used. That said realize that Sodium Hydroxide loses strenghth with th passage of time. The color indicator phenolphthalein is quite

  • Cleaning chemicals we carry at Fall Bright NOTE: Do not leave your items soaking over night, etc. Metals (handles on brushes, pails, etc) can be damaged by such as citric acid, soda ash and even

  • Hygiene is most important in winemaking or brewing in preventing microbes. Cleaning products abound. We carry a few. Be thorough in your cleaning. Clean the inside and the OUTSIDE too. We have taken lids off

  • ODD CLOSURES: 1 OZ. POURER, WINE PRESERVER, STOPPERS, TASTER CORKS, CAPS ITEM IMAGE pack POURER 1 0Z MEASURE 1 PUSH ON CAP blue plastic SOLIDfor plastic 5 gallon water bottles and fits on top of


  • <a title="fall bright full size catalog 2015-2016" style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline; COLOR:" href="" target="_new"></a> <a title="more about us, Tom and Marcy Mitchell and our vineyard experience" style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline; COLOR:" href="" target="_new"></a> Send me your list and

  • COLD STABILIZING reduces acid in wineses AND helps it to CLEAR. During January and February the cool climate winemaker needs to cold stabilize his wines. Cold stabilization reduces some of the acid. If you used

  • Colobel, Seibel 8357 Colobel is a somewhat cold hardy French-American hybrid. Plantings of the vine are limited in North America as it ripens late. It is planted primarily for high red color having impressive pigment.

  • AMATEUR WINE COMPETITIONS, of course there are tons more. Raise a Glass, Great American Amateur Wine Competition: to go directly to the page for the amateur competition. PDF document This amateur competition is a

  • AMATEUR WINE COMPETITIONS, of course there are tons more. Raise a Glass, Great American Amateur Wine Competition: to go directly to the page for the amateur competition. PDF document This amateur competition is a

  • Introduced 1853 by the E.W. Bull of Concord, Mass. In 1849 Ephraim Wales Bull from Boston, Massachusetts developed the Concord grape. He planted 22,000 seedlings before he had produced his ideal grape. It was first

  • Fall Bright, The Winemakers Shoppewww.fallbright.comDundee, NY, USA, 607-292-3995 One of our winemakers was annoyed by air leaks between the racking wand and the tubing. This is how he fixed it. John Guest Fittings - How

  • Contact Name: Marcy Mitchell Contact Telephone: 607-368-3449 Address: 5443 Dutch St Location Overlooking Keuka Lake, Near Wayne, NY Dundee NY 14837-9600 For winemaking information, additive instructions, stay here for a while The online shopping

  • Fall Bright, The Winemakers Shoppewww.fallbright.comDundee, NY, USA, 607-292-3995 COPPER SULFATE 1.0% MSDS and medical attention KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN Follow directions carefully. MORE, read this page! This article explains the connection of

  • CORKERS Double lever hand corkers, often called a twin lever corker come with either with a spring to hold bottle or a clamp, both have a nut at the top to adjust the ram length.

  • CORKS CORKS : Cork ease of insertion varies. Double lever: Agglomerated cork Double Lever: NomaCorc (with tremendous effort) Gilda corker: Cork-corks first corks, not agglomerated. Floor corkers all types Agglomerated 9 x 1 1/2 Agglomerated

  • Annual crop outlook by Tom Mitchell, usually presented at the annual Rochester Home Winemakers Seminar. 2017 Summer of rain and more rain, modest to full to abundant crop depending on wood available for pruning in

  • GRAPE CROP OUTLOOK 2010 AUGUST It was warm early this year and remained relatively warm with a few short cool intervals. One might ask how you make comparisons from year to year and the answer

  • Crop Update 2013 by Tom Mitchell, Pa’tridge Run Farms and Fall Bright, Finger Lakes Wine Region, overlooking Keuka Lake east, near Wayne, 10110 Hyatt Hill, Dundee, NY 14837 607-292-3995 August 3, 2013 Canes produced in

  • Crop Update 2014 by Tom Mitchell, Pa’tridge Run Farms and Fall Bright, Finger Lakes Wine Region, overlooking Keuka Lake east, near Wayne, 10110 Hyatt Hill, Dundee, NY 14837 607-292-3995 August 9, 2014 There are things

  • Welcome again to the Finger Lakes in Central NYS. Fall will display spectacular colors, so don’t forget your camera. The winter of 2005 to 2006 was very mild and easy on the grapevines. As spring

  • Crop Outlook and Forecast 2004 presented at the AWS Home Winemaking Seminar, Rochester, NY August 2004 Surely by now everyone is somewhat aware of the winter damage that occurred last winter in the Finger Lakes.

  • Crop outlook 2005 Prepared by Tom Mitchell for the AWS Home Winemaking Seminar 13-Aug-05 - Good Morning! I’m glad to see so many faces. As with many farm reports we have some good news and

  • Crop outlook 2007: The grapes look good and we were thankful for finally getting some rains in late June and July. We have put 2400 replacement vines in the ground this year to conclude replanting

  • Crop Update 2008 by Tom Mitchell, Pa’tridge Run Farms and Fall Bright, Finger Lakes Wine Region, overlooking Keuka Lake east, near Wayne, 10110 Hyatt Hill, Dundee, NY 14837 607-292-3995 presented at the AWS Home Winemaking

  • Crop Update 2009 by Tom Mitchell, Pa’tridge Run Farms and Fall Bright, Finger Lakes Wine Region, overlooking Keuka Lake east, near Wayne 10110 Hyatt Hill, Dundee, NY 14837 607-292-3995 Canes produced in vineyards that were

  • GRAPE CROP OUTLOOK 2011 Home Winemaking Seminar 2011, August 2011 Crop Update A Typical Year in the Vineyard The Way We Manage Our Vineyards to Maximize Quality & Notes Pertinent to the 2011 Harvest Crop

  • GRAPE CROP OUTLOOK 2012 Home Winemaking Seminar 2012, August 2012 Crop Update Most of you in the room remember how spring weather broke in late winter and also how much hot weather we have had

  • CROWN CAPS and SCREW CAPS CROWN CAPS standard 26.5 mm (144 Gross) for beer bottles and American sparkling bottles. We have them in plain gold with a plastic liner and misc label, subject to change.

  • DeChaunac, Seibel 9549 is a cold-hardy, vigorous, highly pigmented and very productive variety. It tends to over crop yielding a poor quality fruit. Wines from over cropped, unripe grapes will be of poor quality. Large,

  • De-GASSER Fermtech De-GASSER Fermtech The Wine Whip plastic Slightly angled plastic whip that attaches to a standard 3/8 variable speed drill. The Wine Whip.... This may take 5-6 minutes of whipping. Degassing Your Wine properly

  • Delaware is a Native American hybrid grape of largely unknown parentage although some optimistic persons believe it to have some V. vinifera somewhere in its lineage. It was found in Delaware County in Ohio in

  • Diamond is a native (white) variety cross that smells and taste like pineapple juice when it is fresh. It is a popular drinking juice among our customers. It tends to have a moderate to low

  • DRAINERS: TREES and FAST RACK Drainer Italian for 45 bottles. The Italian Vinator fits on top of the top station Drainer extra stations to build up from the 45 station unit. Nine more bottles per

  • Flooring is plank vinyl over wide pine. Some areas have been leveled before Luan put down. Vinyl is in all rooms except the small room on the south end.

  • Interior photos Upstairs: 2 bed rooms, but the first bed room could not be called a bedroom unless a wall is built where the edge of the room is near the stairs.

  • Dear Wine makers and Vineyardist, 2010 The topsy-turvy weather of April and May went from record setting warmth in the first two weeks of April to cooler temperature in later April that included several freeze

  • Finger Lakes Vineyard Update – April 19, 2010 With permission from Hans Walter-Peterson Viticulture Extension Specialist Finger Lakes Grape Program Budbreak Status The warm weather over the past couple of weeks has pushed most varieties

  • Brewing Equipment Kit $137.77 Includes: Primary fermenter (7.8 gallon) and lid drilled for a grommet airlock bottling bucket (7.8 gallon) side drilled for and including a 3/8 bottling spigot hydrometer beer 0-20 brix one step

  • A GLOSSARY OF EQUIPMENT THAT YOU WILL NEED and OTHER TERMS: An airlock is a fermentation trap that allows the escape of carbon dioxide gas and prevents the entrance of air. Additives: stuff you put

  • WINEMAKING AT FALL BRIGHT equivalents and measurements Measurements and such to convert from gallons to metric measurements for how much you need of winemaking additives for your winemaking. My measuring spoons have been in use

  • PERMANENTLY CLOSED is disappearing soon! The online shopping cart and on earth shops are closed. For winemaking information, additive instructions and more look right here You may still call me with winemaking questions: 607-368-3449

  • Fall Bright 2016 catalog, hard copy printable pdf document

  • Fermaid® K Fall Bright, The Winemakers Shoppewww.fallbright.comDundee, NY, USA, 607-292-3995 From Lalvin: Fermaid® K is a blended complex yeast nutrient that supplies ammonia salts (DAP), free amino acids (organic nitrogen derived from inactivated yeast), sterols,



May Your Wines Fall Bright!