Bocksin is not available this side of the ocean anymore, but I hated to delete the
Bocksin: Silicium Dioxide SiO2 Silicon (English) Dioxide Silicium (Latin)
Kieselsol is the commercial name for liquid silicon
When hydrogen sulfide is formed in detectible quantities, it will
usually be toward the end of fermentation. You should smell your young wine during the first
fermentation. If the rotten egg smell is evident, you should
pre-treat the wine immediately, when the problem is first
1. Dose the wine with the recommended amount of a yeast nutrient. It may be best to dissolve the nutrient in water or wine to ensure homogeneous
2. Rack your wine even if it is still fermenting. If the smell
hasn't disappeared in 24 hours, rack again. Aerate and splash about.
3. You may also bubble an inert gas such as carbon dioxide or
nitrogen through the wine.
4. If the above steps do not correct the problem, you need to
treat with Reduless or Copper Sulfate, we are no longer able to get Bocksin.
Böcksin, silicate liquid, dispensed
in 4 oz bottles (118 ml), is used to eliminate or reduce hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan odors in wine without
having to resort to treatment with copper, except when fairly high H2S levels are present.
Typical usage is 2 to 6 ml per gallon. A teaspoon is 5 ml. Treatment
duration is 24 to 48 hours. Mix briefly about four times a day. A
bench test is strongly recommended to determine dosage.
The intensely smelling sulphur compounds are bound and sulphur-tannin compounds are precipitated.
The treated wine should be racked and
filtered before it is tasted to remove precipitated and bound compounds resulting from
Finings recommended after use are gelatin,
LQ Super-Kleer KC Finings, isinglass,
bentonite, Sparkolloid.
There is no
recommendation to wait for the end of fermentation to treat the wine with Bocksin.
It is compatible
with copper sulfate treatment should that be necessary.
Bocksin separates
during storage and should be well shaken before use to insure uniformity.
Treatment for hydrogen sulfide: (from the label, English as a second language)
Bocksin (FROM the label): "is a solution of Silicium Dioxide for treatment of hydrogen sulfide odors and related
off-flavors in wine. Usage is 15 ml per ten liters (2.75 gallons). Stir thoroughly and wait 24 hours. Rack without
disturbing the sediment.
The current label does not indicate filtration but to allow settling.
It is not necessary to filter the wine after treatment. If the wine becomes cloudy, treat with finings.
1 USA gallon is 3.84 liters, 1 teaspoon is 5 ml, regarding the above text that 10 liters is 2.75 gallons is a rough
figure with rounding off factors, I get 2.6 gallons per 10 liters. Anyway we would treat 5 US gallons with 30 ml or
6 teaspoons or 2 tablespoons of Bocksin.
So What is Silicium Dioxide?
Silica, Silicium Dioxide, Silicion Dioxide
This link would have been great in chemistry class! I did not copy it nor did I request permission to do so,
but do check it out. Our winemakers are worried about toxic chemicals for use and I feel safe with this
item. Read your grocery item labels in the spice department and you will find that you eat a lot this
item! Marcy