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Double lever hand corkers, often called a twin lever corker come with either with a spring to hold bottle or a clamp, both have a nut at the top to adjust the ram length. 

corker double lever spring Ferrari         corker double lever jaws

Gilda single lever, crimping jaws similar to floor corker, is all plastic.  It struggles with composite corks and any of the thermoplastic corks.  It was great with the (real)first corks, but has fallen out of favor.  corker gilda    

Floor corkers are the cat's meow. The Italian floor corker is33" high, with a chrome or brass iris.  It fits the Bellissima bottles.  The Portuguese floor is 27" with a Teflon iris.  Does not fit Bellissima bottles.
Tom uses the Portuguese as he is tall and strong and can sit down and still ram the cork home with the shorter unit.  They both have replacement jaws.

Italian    corker Italian floor corker    Portuguese    corker Portuguese floor  

 Jaw instructions (PDF) for both


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