Call for ton pricing.
Marcy Mitchell, 5443 Dutch St., Dundee, NY 14837
2017 Vineyard
on Dutch St about 1 1/2 miles from Hyatt Hill.
Aurore 1-2 tons
3-4 TONS 3 locations: Goodwin Hill, Dutch St, and what Tom called Bailey Hill, uphill from the
end of Dutch St.
by 5443 Dutch St.
6-10 tons
1-2 tons please ask.
DeChaunac 1 ton
Millot ~2 ton
Foch 1-2 tons
607-368-3449 All our grapes are hand picked
due to terrain, steep hills and machines available in our area. There will be extra cost involved. Grapes are clean
and quality is HIGH!
Well, We did have a very short crop last year and ended up disappointing some
small wineries, as well as amateur winemakers. Thank you for your business and understanding
the difficult year that 2016 was for all of us in the Finger Lakes.
With serious drought 2016 turned into a challenging year. Growers are finding
yields 50-75% less than anticipated. Our yields were down for early white and more tender
varieties such as Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Gamay Noir, and Riesling. Later ripening varieties and hardier
varieties picked up some in yield, probably from rains and other factors (bud break dates, mean cold temps,
spring bloom, rains during harvest, etc.)
With a very short crop in 2015 and a light crop for 2016, we have sold all our extra
juices early.
Our crop for 2017 remains to be seen. The wood for 2017 varies from location and
variety, some good long canes, some short canes from poor growth from the drought of 2016. Pruners are
adjusting and we will see some interesting trimming for the coming year.